Gideon {playing catch up}

Oh my dear boy, your mama has gotten a little behind with these posts. Today I am catching up! Here we go:

The younger months are posted here: two months, three months, four and five! {One of these day I will go back and fill in the one month old space}

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3 years old!

You, my oldest son, are 3 years old! I can’t believe it. You are such an amazing little boy. I am blown away by how sweet you are and also how brave you’re getting. You love fire trucks, garbage trucks, recycle trucks, excavators, anything with wheels. You tell me all the time that you want to be just like your dad when you grow up. Your grandparents spoil you {and you love it} You are quite the artist, I love your color choices when we paint. You are learning to mix colors {blue and yellow make green!} You are very good at taking things apart and putting them back together. You love your friends, you’re shy when you don’t know people very well. You like food, including but not limited to: bacon, lollipops, ice cream, peas, carrots {especially when you pick them yourself}, raspberries, strawberries, bratwurst, gnocchi, bread…

We have been going to the library and you love it! You help out and know how to put your things away. You follow directions and love to assist in the kitchen. We bake together all the time and you are getting really good.

You love your brother and can make him laugh so hard! You get so excited about things and make us smile every day.

You are so loved!

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Filed under elSage, family

5 months

Oh my, how you are growing… you are bursting out of 6 month clothes and too long for some 9 month items. Teething is rough on you but moving faster than it did with your brother. You love Ergo rides and independent time. You think eating is rad. You love your brother and he loves you. Every time I tell him to stop wrestling with you I look over and you are giggling. You are tough. You seem to love laughing. You’re fascinated by Stella pup. You can sit up on your own for a bit before you tip over. You love chewing on Sophie the giraffe. Miguel and Justin are your favorite uncles. You can chew on your feet. The spiky purple ball is your favorite.

You are so loved.

{P.S. I’m a little late with the photo editing and posting but the photo was taken on the day you were 5 months}


Filed under elSage, family

Last Week

So let’s start with Friday’s check up. Gideon had his 4 month check at almost 5 months {September is just crazy for a two teacher family} He remains in the 95th% for height and is in the 75th% for weight and head size. He’s doing well, healthy boy. He got the ok for solid food. We started with avocado and kid is pumped! I think we’ll try sweet potatoes later this week.

Earlier in the week we got a full day visit from cousin Kelsey. It was fun to have a buddy for the day even though we didn’t do much. She loves these boys and they love her. If you’ve checked out crowns on Green Radish, you may have seen her beautiful face before. She’s one talented young woman and has a few killer ideas up her sleeve. I’ll share more when she puts it all in motion.

Earlier in the week was the final day of the outdoor “sandbox”. D could play in it forever. I’m working on an indoor version.

We were on a bit of a baking spree this week and weekend. Our household is pretty rad because hubs is a fabulous cook and I know my way around some baked goods. We eat well in these parts. D helped me make whole wheat pita bread, and chocolate peanut butter brownie bites. {If you followed the last link you may have noticed that I’m a Pinterest fool. It seriously is my newest love, I have people who refuse to participate in social media whatsoever who are totally in love as well. Need an invite? Leave a comment with your email and I’ll send you one}

What else? Well, the weekend brought us a date night & lunch and some raspberry scones.

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D’s First Haircut

I forgot to share the haircut, I guess I still can’t believe we did it. Last month we shaved off his wispy curls. It was tough for both of us to do. His head needed to breathe, his scalp needed some air (and some special attention from mama).

I traveled with some girls while I was in New Zealand. Both of them were surprised that I’d never had my head shaved. We all grew up in different parts of the world. In many cultures it’s commonplace to shave the head of every child at least once. The belief is that the hair will grow back thicker. I asked my hair stylist,  she confirmed that this would work out scientifically. Cutting the hair short can uncover clogged follicles. Anyway, that’s the deal… we did this for you D.

Now that I’m used to it, I think he looks quite cute. And I’m thinking with two curly headed parents the curls will come back. From now on the hair decisions are up to him, short or long, I don’t care (I’m going to regret putting that in writing, aren’t I?).

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Mr. Long & Lean, where will we find you pants?

My little boy is growing up, and when I say up I mean it literally. He’s all kinds of tall. Not just tall but thin, that may be more the issue than the height. Here’s the dilemma, he’s almost 3, 2T pants fit him in the waist (if they are adjustable) but they are too short. This was ok during the summer because I could cuff them and work the man-pri look, which I think is cute. Now, it’s fall and we need another option. So I went shopping, I came home with the normal adjustable waist jeans and cords that he wears just in a 3T… it was made very clear that these weren’t  going to work. He looked like he was in clown pants! Super baggy on his skinny legs and I couldn’t get the adjustable waist tight enough. This is only going to get more pronounced as we leave Pull-Ups behind and wear underwear (yay!).

So today… I thought I’d just take them both real quick to a few places that were recommended in online forums for finding tall, skinny pants. I’m not sure if any of you have taken an almost 3 year old and a baby shopping, and had the toddler try things on, but this is not something I look forward to doing ever again. The little guy fell asleep in the ergo but the other one did not understand all this taking pants off and putting them on again, let alone his mother’s furrowed brow with each pair.

He really lost it in Oshkosh when he started punching the baby in the head (still asleep in ergo) as I was trying to help him out of a pair of pants. And then, on our way out he pulled a whole rack of headbands off the display {fabulous}.

We returned home without pants.

So I started the internet search again. It didn’t take long to stumble across this:

Looks pretty do-able to me. I think I like this option better than a re-do of this morning’s fiasco. The tutorial is full of helpful photos.

He’s only almost 3, so elastic waist pants are cool with me. Plus he can (theoretically) pull them up and down on his own for going potty. I think I’ll try this soon… I like the stripes too. I may have to brave JoAnne’s Fabric and snag something similar.

I’ll let you know how it goes. In the mean time anyone have suggestions? We’ve struck out at : Old Navy, Gap, and Oshkosh

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Filed under DIY, family

4 months old

Let me just open with, how impressive am I to actually be posting this on the day this peanut turns 4 months, the day people. Albeit a little late, especially if you’re in any timezone east of the Pacific (that is what our timezone is called, right guys?)

It is entirely possible that I jumped the gun on the above “look at me, I’m all on time and stuff” there is a stirring in the ergo (no that’s not a euphemism, c’mon people get your heads out of the gutter) as I type, and allow my thumb to be held and bounce on the yoga ball (that we never actually use for yoga ’cause I’m a fainter) (which is a story for another day but if I go there you know my life has gotten pretty dull). Oh, and yes, I’m pretty sure I’m violating a few grammar (and possibly some math) rules with the double parentheses but I don’t care. On this blog I get to write it how I want, so if you’re critiquing me, take it somewhere else: only compliments allowed here.

Back to my amazing 4 month old…

I found this idea on Pinterest. Pretty cool, right? (both Pinterest and the idea). I can’t find the source (didn’t pin it, weird) but some of you know what I’m talking about. I think the kid had a cape on? Anyway, if you do, leave a link in the comments and I’ll add it. I’m hoping to keep these up for both boys and then get books made at some point.

If you love Pinterest, come find me! (Need an invite? Leave your email in the comments & I’ll send you one).

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and we’re off, the school year starts and we jump in…

Whoa. Things got a little busy there. Between finishing the mural, printing and researching all the information i needed to know before printing on wood and the whole taking care of 2 small humans, I guess I forgot to write.

I think I was also feeling a little overwhelmed.

My last entry was a little sad. The summer is gone, the teaching year is here. I think every teacher gets a little crazy with self doubt and anxiousness around this time of year: “How will my classes go?” “What if I forgot how to teach?” “Is my room/lesson plan/road map ready?” “What am I gonna wear?” These are the thoughts that travel through my mind on top of the, “how will my baby do without me?” “what if I start leaking milk while teaching?” “will my mom be totally overwhelmed by both boys?”

The thing is, every year, to some degree, we all have to just jump in. And I think I like the ‘jump in’ part of teaching. It’s full of action, and trying something and forward movement. AND, if things don’t go so well, at least it makes for great stories afterward. I just hope my stories don’t end with “and the baby cried all day without me” or “my whole shirt was soaked” or “I can’t do this”.

So lately:

mural project, Whidbey Island, WA

::Jamfest:: Canton Alley, International District, Seattle

custom tree for thumbprint wedding guestbook

So I guess that starts the catch up. There will be more another day. I think I’ve decided to keep this blog going, for now. It started as a summer project, but it has been a fun place to chronicle our adventures.

Next time? Dinner Club snapshots, more from Canton Alley and maybe even San Diego (oh the catching up I have to do:)

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Filed under family, summer

Where did summer go?

It has been too long since I’ve made time to write. I have been breaking in my new sketchbook, playing with my boys, finishing up projects and today, well today I’ve been freaking out.

I have my first teacher meeting of the 2011-2012 school year tomorrow. It’s only half a day but it struck me across the face like a hard slap.

I have to leave my baby.

I love parenting for the constant lessons in theoretical and actual.
Theoretically going back to work half time when your baby is 3.5 months old, and leaving him in the care of the amazing woman who raised you, is fabulous. Theoretically it seems like a great balance of sanity for mama (that being me), bonding time for Meme (my mom) all the while keeping us out of the “qualifying for food stamps” income bracket.

The actual? It breaks my heart.

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3 months old!

You, my youngest son, are just lovely (when you’re not crying). You get pretty excited about: having people hold you, especially when that person is me, drinking milk, your brother’s goofy face game, colorful pictures, laying outside and having a dry diaper. You don’t like: sleeping laying down (“please wrap me in a sling and bounce me on a yoga ball” you say to me daily), when your brother pulls on your limbs, being away from your mama (me), riding in the car or being set down.

We still think you look like your dad. You’re starting to flirt with that smile of yours. Strangers love you. You’re great in public (mostly).

Your grandpa will hold you forever if you let him. Your meme (grandma) thinks you’re pretty sweet. Your dad loves every second he gets with you while you’re happy, he hates hearing you get upset. He is excited for the day when you like hanging with daddy more than just as much as mama.

You are drooling through at least 5 shirts a day. Chewing on everything, including your right hand, mainly your pointer finger. You’re also growing like a weed. 6 month clothes fit nicely. Time to box up the little stuff I guess.

Oh did I mention that we love you? Well we do. I think everyone that meets you loves you to pieces. That smile of yours just melts me.


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